Biological markets and more .... a personal site

What's new?

22 MAR 2024: Edited my new  'microbial markets' page and added a text section on 'The agency problem on microbial markets' (inserted a few sentences 23 MAR & 3APR 24)

21 MAR 2024: I added a new sub-page 'microbial markets' under Biological Markets, because recently a few papers came out that I would like to mention, but which do not really fit the existing underground nutrient trade page:

Ronald Noë

Ronald Noë

I returned to The Netherlands after my retirement in September 2018. The best way to contact me is by email:

ronald.noe (you-know-wh'at')

By clicking the menu (upper-left), you can find further pages, among which my Publications with links to PDFs and more information on Biological Markets

Alternative source of PDFs: ResearchGate

Citation scores:  Google Scholar

retired professor of Psychology, University of Strasbourg, France

behavioural ecology, evolution of cooperation and mutualism, biological market theory

mostly African primates and a bit of rooks, kea and arbuscular mycorrhiza

This site was rebuilt in a new format in October 2020Please let me know via email (address see elsewhere on this page), if you find links that do not work

Last update: 3 APR 24